the rants of a recruiter who hates people.


day one

i dont like spell check or using the shift key unless its something i have to do. if it was really that important it would just happen. anyways i guess i should tell a little about my self but that could violate some stupid rule. i'm a little bitter. i've been an army recruiter for a while. a while is like a year and a half. i'm just over the half way mark of my tour and enlistment this term. i dont plan on reenlisting. and for any stupid punk or dumb ass out their its not because i have the army or nothing like that. i just never planed on making a life out of it. its been awsome since i've been in, all but this stop in recruiting land. i have had the worst time here. i liked invading iraq better than calling your dumb.. let me repeate... DUMB ass kids. yeah the ones that hang up on me or want to goto college and are miss guided or lost in life. and will just drop out before they get to their second year and then move back in with mommy and daddy, mooch off them and get some shitty job. and say they are saving up to go back to college. i in my desk job armed with my handy weapon (the phone), try and talk these kids in to joining the military. i say if you aint doing shit with your life. do something with your life. i dont not want people to goto college (i think double neg. are cool). in fact i think that the college are so corrupt, just like tobacco and oil. that everyone has to goto college. even though only 25% of the jobs require college. brain wash you say. the military teaches confidance in yourself and others around you. until i came out here to recruiting, i had forgotten what a hole in the world the geneal public was. ok.. that may be a little uncalled for. but i'm just venting right. sure.

just go out into life. go out there and kick some ass at what ever it is you do. dont let america stay anywhere but in 1st place. we must reclaim our glory or be just a foot note in history for inventing a silly bomb or something like that.

as for USAREC. thats the part of the army i work for. SUCK MY BALLS. if you havent recruited in the last 3 years. come back out here on mission and pull your pubes out with fire ants. dont tell me i need to work on anything when you didnt teach anything. i slept through your damned recruiting school after they told me that my boss would tell me to forget everything i learned there. and i have only rolled one "nut." thats when you dont put anypeople in the army for a month. my biggest gripe is that if they dont get a 31 QT but have qualifing line scores.. who cares. let them do something for their country. give them a life. and something they can be proud enough about they will tell their grandkids about.

fuck man.. lets get with the program america.


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